Flotsam or Debris in the lake |
Flotsam & Jetsam
Flotsam and jetsam are 18th century terms used to refer to debris in the ocean. Technically, flotsam referred to materials that unintentionally end up in the sea as a result of a shipwreck. Jetsam referred to materials and goods that a crew would purposely throw overboard in an attempt to lighten the ship during an emergency.
In the modern day, flotsam and jetsam can also be found in Lake Mahopac. Some of the debris in the lake is a result of the winter freeze “liberating” docks and lumber from the shoreline. Natural materials such as trees and branches also wind up in the water as the result of the winter storms. It’s a good idea to keep a keen eye out for these hazards when boating in the early spring.
Last summer the lake committee oversaw the removal of a large willow tree that had drifted into the west cove and become lodged in mud, posing a hazard to swimmers, skiers and boaters. With the help of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Carmel Town Highway Department, the 65’ willow was towed to the Mahopac Beach Restaurant parking lot and removed from the lake. Our thanks to property owner Mike Barile for permitting the use of the restaurant parking lot for the operation.
Early this June, new pressure treated lumber escaped from a dock construction sight as a result of a sudden afternoon storm. These substantial planks were removed before any serious damage resulted.
Whether intentional or not, materials do find their way into the lake’s water. We encourage everyone to do their part in removing trash, bottles, cans, tree limbs or whatever is found. Inform the Carmel Police (845-628-1300) of any large items that represent a safety hazard. Thanks in advance for doing your part to keep our lake safe and clean.